[lists sio_bgcolor=”#a0ce4e” sio_type=”check” sio_txtcolor=”#ffffff” sio_style=”circles”] 1 cup (250 ml) almond milk (more may be needed if smoothie is too thick),½ cup (115 g) roasted pumpkin or butternut squash,
1 carrot,
½ pear,
½ avocado,
1 tsp chia seeds,
dash of cinnamon,
For fun – garnish with sage leaf
[lists sio_bgcolor=”#a0ce4e” sio_type=”check” sio_txtcolor=”#ffffff” sio_style=”circles”] Wash and prepare ingredients (pumpkin or squash should be roasted beforehand).,Add ingredients to blender and blend on medium-high for 45-60 seconds or until well mixed.,
Serve and enjoy!
Nutrition per serving:
Yields and nutritional information are estimated and will vary depending on produce size and equipment used.
Original Article : Rebootwithjoe